Game Recordings

Game Recordings

CCSAI enhances  player development with high quality Trace AI game recordings at an affordable price for all team members.

Each Individual Player will receive a playlist of all of their highlights for each match! And showcase their talent.

Coaches can review tactical highlights and target skills training.

While providing cameras at selected venues was convenient, we know that games played at other fields and during tournaments were not covered. We heard your feedback that you want MORE access to game video and came up with an incredible option for the upcoming Spring season. So, instead of us setting up the cameras, we are giving each Classic team that wants one a free camera of their own!

Both the Boys Classic League along with their Jr. Academy Leagues have partnered with Sports Club Sync and Trace to offer *FREE AI CAMERAS to every team in their Leagues this season, saving you $495 on a Trace Camera Subscription.

Trace uses A.I. technology to find, follow, and record the action of each player on the field and deliver personalized automatic highlights to each player after each game. With a Free Camera Subscription, you will be able to record all your games and practices at any venue, and your team members can subscribe for access to the game film and their player’s highlights. Monthly and Annual Subscription options available, starting at one month for $25 (Classic League coaches will have free access to their team’s recordings).

To learn more and sign up for your Free Trace AI Camera, visit

For more information about Trace or to learn how to subscribe for access to your game footage and highlights, please visit: or email the SCS/Trace Representative directly at
For support from Trace, visit Game Results Page or Contact 

If you have any questions, please visit: